
Josh, his wife Landri, and their two children reside in Kansas City, MO where they have been leaders at the International House of Prayer since 2009. They give themselves full time as intercessors in the IHOPKC 24/7 prayer room leading prayer, as well as discipling believers in the IHOPKC community and the larger Kansas City area. They also help give leadership to a ministry called the “Luke 18 Project” which exists within IHOPKC to ignite passion for Jesus and praying communities on college campuses around the nation. In addition to what they do locally in Kansas City, they travel around the nation calling churches into whole hearted devotion to Jesus. 

It is their conviction that God is raising up voices and messengers like John The Baptist that will have prophetic clarity of Gods plan in the earth; calling the earth to “behold the lamb of God” before the Lord’s return.